situation anxiety

英 [ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn æŋˈzaɪəti] 美 [ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn æŋˈzaɪəti]

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  1. The whole point of exposure therapy is to expose oneself to an anxiety-provoking situation, and then stay in that situation until the defensive mechanisms and anxiety subside.
  2. Stay in the social situation, and the anxiety will gradually dissipate.
  3. Also documentation of the patient's marital status ( divorced) and family situation may give clues to the early diagnosis of anxiety or depression.
  4. Epidemiological survey on the current situation of social anxiety of left-behind children in primary school
  5. The situation of anxiety and depression: The scores of SAS and SDS in the acute glaucoma group were extraordinarily significantly higher than the national norm, and significantly higher than those in the chronic glaucoma group.
  6. This paper analyses the situation of the learning anxiety of the Chinese students and brings forward the methods of alleviating the anxiety by physical exercise.
  7. Objective: ( 1) to understand current situation of the mental status ( mainly refers to anxiety and depression) of unmarried female youth in Yibin;
  8. ObjectiveTo study situation and risk correlative factors of preoperative anxiety in patients with abdominal operation.
  9. Anxiety can be studied from three perspectives& trait anxiety, state anxiety and situation specific anxiety.
  10. [ Objective] To understand the current situation on the social anxiety for left-behind children of Anhui as well as to ascertain main influential factors.
  11. The Effect of Self-relaxation on Reducing Situation Anxiety in Examination
  12. The paper illustrates that under the contradictory situation of information overload and knowledge anxiety nowadays, we can take advantage of information organization technology of digital library to reallocate the mass information to reduce information superfluity in accordance with the characteristics of internet information resources.
  13. In this case, foreign language teachers are faced with the challenge in the classroom context as to how to prevent the anxiety-inducing situation and minimize the debilitating anxiety among the students.
  14. The current situation and Countermeasures on Undergraduates Computer Self-Efficacy and Computer Anxiety
  15. Targeted grade 10 students in Shanghai, based on previous anxiety-related studies, this research probed the situation of grade 10 students 'anxiety and its causes, with the aim of presenting guidance and support to mental health education in high school.
  16. In this paper, it mainly summarized the general situation of exam anxiety research, concept, and formation.
  17. But 7 days after the operation, the situation of anxiety was ameliorated significantly in testing group ( P < 0.01) with better cooperation and shorter duration of the operation ( P < 0.01).
  18. Objective To investigate the general situation of test anxiety and explore its family related factors in senior high school students.
  19. In the current study, we intend to find the effects of coping style and stress situation on anxiety level and task-performing efficiency.
  20. The results indicate that the main effects and mutual effect of coping style and stress situation on anxiety level and task-performing efficiency is very notable.
  21. Anxiety falls into trait anxiety, state anxiety, and situation specific anxiety.
  22. There were no significant differences between females and males in instrumental orientation, attitudes toward the learning situation, and language anxiety, but the means of females in these three scales were generally higher than those of males.
  23. This situation caused a deep anxiety of person with breadth of vision from historian circle, and had a discussion on historiography crisis, that gave the solutions to deal with the crisis.
  24. Finally, I sort out the current developing situation of digital illustration, offer the anxiety and hopes in the future, and give my outlook for its future development.
  25. CUBA guard offensive when attention is from inside outside interference are the main factors of competitors, coaches, athletic field situation, competition anxiety, fatigue, self evaluation.
  26. In recent years, studies on FL writing anxiety in China and abroad have received more and more attention, most of which have mainly explored the overall situation of writing anxiety of Chinese students and the relationship between writing anxiety and writing performance.
  27. The experiment showed that the right constructing effective mathematics situation help enhance the student interest in the study, relax anxiety on mathematics study and develop the student positive feeling for mathematics.
  28. This experience brought about by different cultural situation of the "culture shock", is in the psychological anxiety, anxious, lost, restless state.
  29. At present time, employment situation is sterner than before. University students get much anxiety when they are facing employment stress.